Comments: Starship Catan Mission in Undefeated Issue 6

Hi Susan,

I agree with your assessment of Undefeated. I subscribed as soon as I heard about the magazine but, like you, feel it is far too focused on CCG and Click-Mini games to be worth a second year's sub. I did enjoy the Puerto Rico article too and while not everything suggested worked well for me it was worth the read, giving me a few ideas regarding strategies at a time when I was beginning to grow a little tired of the game.

As for the boardgame reviews, the 'german' game reviews seem too bitty while games like Sid's Civilisation get large spreads. I suppose these sorts of games are more in line with the general readership but not of so much interest to me personally.

I also cut the Starship scenario 1 out and it is nice to get that sort of printed quality. I am looking forward to getting my hands on issue 6 but here in the UK it'll be a while :(.

Thanks for this news.

Ivan Hanley,
Board Gamers Anonymous.

PS I enjoy reading your reports, keep up the good work.

Posted by Ivan at June 2, 2004 8:52 AM

One of the other Starship Catan expansion missions was professionally printed in a previous game magazine, right? Do you know which one?

Posted by Mark Johnson at June 2, 2004 1:58 PM

The other Starship Catan Mission, The Space Amoeba, was also published in Undefeated. It was in Issue 3, which was the Dec/Jan issue.

Posted by Susan at June 2, 2004 3:19 PM
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