Comments: Halloween Games

BGG Secret Santa was a delight last year - both the giving & the getting. Glad you've jumped in with both feet.

Posted by Mark Jackson at November 9, 2007 2:20 AM

You mean you don't have Woods & Water: the Hunting and Fishing Adventure Board Game yet? It was one of my early thrift purchases, as I had seen it in Great Hall Games so knew it must be expensive. I picked three cards at random just now and got a DOG which can bag you a squirrel, rabbit, dove, or quail if you also have the SHOTGUN and SHELL cards. Next up: BOW which, if you have the arrow card get you deer, turkey and even grizzly. Finally, we have a Trophy Rabbit worth 75 points! Shea would love that. Can you believe I never even put the camouflage stickers on the tokens? It has a very cool board, though, that maybe could be rethemed for a bird and animal watching game (it could be called Stalking, like the old boy scout badge). Watch out for all those skunks, though

Posted by Betty Dingus at November 14, 2007 3:38 PM

BGG has Woods & Water here: you have to use the ampersand not "and" -- I wish they'd fix that. Another pro hunting/fishing game is listed as Camp Becca insisted we try it at Great Hall the other day but we had to admit we didn't like it. The "interesting playing characters and a cute Camp card decoder” include a boy named Micheal (isn't that misspelled?) and the decoder is a piece of red plastic you have to squint through to read the answers.

Posted by Betty Dingus at November 14, 2007 3:50 PM

About the local paper, don't you think you should submit a picture of your boys with weapons and unusual game? Like something photoshopped giant or teensy or unlikely. They could link to Game Ranch for new readership.

Posted by Betty Dingus at November 14, 2007 3:53 PM
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