Comments: Good Games and Sad News

Hey, guys...

First, I'm sorry about your loss.

Second, you're only playing the SECOND scenario? No Lore yet?! Sheesh, Braeden (my six year old) is playing Call To Arms scenarios w/Lore & Specialist cards! (When you get that far, the goblin riders scenario on DoW website is primo!)

BTW, I _think_ this suggestion came from Eric at DoW, but if you want to use the Specialist cards w/out doing Call to Arms, you can just shuffle 'em up, deal out four cards (discarding ones that don't apply to the scenario), let the start player pick first, followed by the other player picking 2 cards, and then the start player getting the last card. (W/Braeden, we deal out six cards, so you can't hose the start player out of his second draw.)

Man, I wish we could play games together... sigh.

Posted by Mark Jackson at October 12, 2007 9:57 AM

Yeah, yeah, rub it in whydontcha! I've only played C&C Ancients and Memoir '44 once, too. I've played a bunch of BattleCry, though - my wargame "gateway" game.

Thanks for all the tips. Wow, it's been a while since I've been to the DoW website. Look at all those scenarios! Time to fire up the printer...

While the rest of the gaming world whines about getting their family to play games, we have a household of players but can't find the time. Sigh.

Posted by Susan at October 12, 2007 7:44 PM

I'm sorry to read about your loss. May her spirit live on.

Posted by jacob at October 14, 2007 12:07 AM
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