Comments: Gulf Games 2007 Day 2

Susan, I always thought REAL (i.e. Texas) chili never included beans. At least, that's what I always tell Sheryl when I try to convince her not to put the kidney beans in her excellent chili! Er you tellin' me yer a tenderfoot, or er my sources jes fulla beans?

Posted by Larry Levy at August 2, 2007 10:12 PM

Ack! I need to check back here more often. I only just noticed your comment.

Larry, your question opens up a real can of, beans. The purists (chili geeks?) will tell you that beans are no part of any real Texas chili. I don't think tomatoes are in "real" Texas chili either and the beef is cut up but never ground. I even think beans may be outlawed in some chili cookoffs. But the fact is, if you go into a restaurant or ask people how they make chili around here, beans are often an option. I love them! I think that as long as you don't call it TEXAS chili, you won't get lynched :-)

Posted by Susan at August 10, 2007 4:54 PM
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