Comments: Susan's Gulf Games Report - Part 2

As someone who got to play the National Geographic version of Expedition at GG, I found a couple of disconcerting changes:

1. There is now a stinkin' EXPRESSWAY across the Antarctic. (Combination of blue & red dots)

2. We didn't use them in our game, but the rules for "special" missions (indicated w/ a chip) have changed - you get them when you have expeditions entering from all directions. This still strikes me as weird and I'm not sure I read it correctly. (BTW, you only get 4 chips per color.)

3. OK, I said a couple, but I need to mention that Ravensburger settled on one rule for looping (must play your new arrow off the loop). I still like being able to loop off anywhere in the expedition.

Posted by Mark Jackson at August 2, 2006 8:42 PM

Thanks for the heads-up on the changes. Ugh. Those don't sound good. I've mixed feelings about the loop rule. I lean slightly towards the more generous one allowing going off any part of the expedition.

Posted by Susan at August 3, 2006 3:46 PM
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