Comments: My Top Five Abstract Games

Hi Susan! Actually, I HAVE heard of Hyle 7 and I agree with your assessment of it. I played an earlier, American version of it called Vis-à-Vis in the seventies and found it to be an interesting, strikingly different kind of game. I used to have a lot of fun playing this with my Mom.

I much prefer the original induction game (Robert Abbott's Eleusis) to Zendo, as I find the relationships much easier to grasp. But your comment about lovely pyramids makes me realize that you'll be a Zendo girl for life!

You and the guys have a great time at Gulf Games. I'm sorry that I won't be joining you, but I look forward to reading your reports when you get back.

Posted by Larry Levy at July 18, 2006 9:41 AM


Gipf, Dvonn, Zendo, Set, Coloretto

with Yinsh, Punct, Ingenious competing for spaces. Does Code 7 count?

I play Zendo with my niece and nephew. She is 10 and very good at it, he is 5 and just replicates the master's koans to be sure that he gets something right.

Posted by Friendless at July 19, 2006 8:18 AM

Hey, I've heard of Hyle 7, too! :-) Got it my last game order, and enjoyed my first playing quite a bit. Tomorrow night I'll finally be getting Make Five, which is another abstract that might have some similarities to Hyle 7. The color patterns make the game enjoyable rather than brainburning, but the randomness of drawing from a bag is what really keeps the game from bogging down.

Posted by Mark Johnson at July 21, 2006 12:58 AM
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