Comments: Mike Siggins Returns!

You're correct, Susan - Mike has had a HUGE influence on the hobby... and particularly on me. When first discovering the "wide world of Euros" back in the mid-90's, it was the Game Cabinet (and particularly Mike's writing) that kept me glued to the computer for hours, trying to take in all the information.

When Mike went silent, I was saddened. Even though I'd never met the guy, it was like I'd lost an old friend.

So, imagine my surprise (and joy) when he began reappearing a year or so ago? A couple of appearances on Mark Johnson's Boardgames To Go, a post here and there - and then the good news of this blog/article series for Funagain.

Nice to have you back, Mike.

Posted by Mark Jackson at June 11, 2006 11:39 AM
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