Comments: Two New Reviews - Hey! That's My Fish! and Palatinus

Susan -- I'm always looking for new 5-6 player games. Hey! That's My Fish! sounds like an ideal multi-generational family game. Do you think it would play well for 5, 6, or 7 players, using only one penguin per player?

Posted by Gerald - gamesgrandpa at March 14, 2006 10:12 AM

Hi Gerald,

It is definitely a good candidate for a multi-generational family game, I think. A very young child would get beaten by an older child/adult, but my 10 yr. old easily holds his own.

I'm not sure if it would work well with more players. The more penguins that get to move before you get a turn, the less control. You might get pretty hosed before getting a chance to try to save yourself. It's worth a try, though.

BTW, I think it it pretty neat that you get to regularly play games with both your kids and grandkids together. That's quality time!

Posted by SusanR at March 14, 2006 10:44 AM

Thanks for the feedback. We might give it a try. We generally only purchase games that accommodate at least 5 players, and preferably 6 or 7, but we have learned that many 5 player games can be successful with 6 or even 7, and a few 4-player games can accommodate 5 or 6. If we really like a game, we try to find ways to include everyone who wants to play. Fortunately, many new, high-quality, games are being designed and developed for 5 and 6 players.

Yes, we consider ourselves most fortunate to have a weekly 3-generation game day. Now, if I could just convince everyone to try the four unplayed games sitting on the shelf -- Alhambra, Australia, Cartagena, and Hacienda.....

Posted by Gerald - gamesgrandpa at March 15, 2006 11:12 PM
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